Thursday, October 5, 2017

What is Cribbage?

A student at Linn-Benton Community College, Cody Gotchall stays active in his leisure time through volunteer work and a variety of interests and hobbies. As someone with an interest in mathematics and pattern recognition, Cody Gotchall enjoys cribbage, a British card game with a storied history, still enjoyed around the world by those of all ages.

Invented by British soldier and poet Sir John Suckling, cribbage came about in the 17th century and arrived in America with English settlers. Popular in the New England colonies, it requires only two players and was often enjoyed by fishermen to pass the time. The game remained popular for hundreds of years and was even played often by those in the Navy during the second World War.

At its heart, cribbage is all about math. A player collects points by combining cards together and seeking out beneficial combinations. It involves strategy, as one must decide whether to score points or stop his or her opponent from scoring. A game is quick, with experienced players finishing in less than 15 minutes, even though the rules and etiquette are quite complex.

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