Thursday, April 18, 2019

Four Surprising Health Benefits of Donating Blood

A student and volunteer, Cody Gotchall is an active member of the community through his participation in nonprofit programs. Since 2012, Cody Gotchall has donated blood to the American Red Cross.

According to the American Red Cross, someone in the United States needs blood every two seconds. Donating blood could save these peoples’ lives. However, the benefits of donating blood are not limited to blood recipients only. Donors also benefit from donating blood.

1. Reduced risk of iron overload and its resulting conditions. Excess absorption of iron in the body, whether because of genetics, alcoholism, or anemia, increases the risk of health conditions like hemochromatosis. Also, the excess iron is usually stored in organs like the heart and liver, increasing the risk of cardiovascular and liver issues. Donating blood reduces iron overload. 

2. Reduced risk of cancer. Research shows that donating blood at least once every year reduces the risk of cancer. This is because iron accelerates free radical damage in the body that may result in cancer. Reducing iron reserves through blood donation reduces the likelihood of liver, colon, lung, and esophagus cancers. 

3. Stimulates blood cell production. Donating blood stimulates the body to produce new blood cells for good overall health. 

4. Free medical check-up. The blood donation process involves a trip to the doctor and access to medical tests which can reveal potential health problems.

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