Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Blood Processing and Testing at the Red Cross

Cody Gotchall graduated from Crescent Valley High School in Corvallis, Oregon, as a member of the National Honor Society. Involved with his community, Cody Gotchall has donated blood to the American Red Cross since 2012.

The American Red Cross accepts blood donations from generous volunteers for the benefit of patients who need blood and blood products. After the blood is collected, the Red Cross sends it for processing and testing. First, the blood is labeled and scanned into a computer database, then it is spun through a centrifuge to separate it into the transfusable components of plasma, red cells, and platelets. Both the red cells and the platelets are leuko-reduced.

Simultaneously, the blood is tested at one of the three Red Cross National Testing Laboratories to determine the blood type and the presence of any infectious diseases, while single donor platelets undergo testing for bacteria. If any of the test results are positive, the blood is disposed of, and the donor notified. This information is kept confidential unless the law specifies disclosure for public safety reasons.

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